
I always find it hard to write an “about” page when I am talking about myself. I don’t care for the reading of my bio when I get up to speak, when asked about my accomplishments, I don’t want to spend a lot of time talking about it, I just want to do what I was put on this earth to do to the best of my ability. I truly believe that every person on this earth has a purpose or what I like to call “a divine why”, and while it took me a while, I can truly say I know mine. Our purpose and our vision must stay in alignment, otherwise we will have chaos in our lives. Vision is “what we are known for, by all people, for all time”, and when I am asked about the work that I do, the purpose for my life, my “divine why”, I summarize it all with, “I train”! This is my passion, this is the thing that I want to be known for. So, it is with this in view, that this website has been created. Through various mediums on this site, you will find my body of work, and it is my hearts desire that you are stretched and developed through what is available here.

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